
  • 加州大学承诺助学金(学费减免)
    Learn about the California College Promise Grant, if granted, will pay for your classes 这样你就有资格享受更低的校园停车费.

  • 卡尔格兰特
    Information about 卡尔格兰特s/Web grants for students that have been awarded 卡尔格兰特s.

  • 加州查菲·格兰特
    查批准 is for students that are California Residents and who have been in Foster 护理
  • 佩尔助学金
    Federal 佩尔助学金s are usually awarded only to undergraduate students who display 特殊的经济需要.

  • 教育部

  • 直接贷款资料
    Students can sign in using their FSA ID and view all 直接贷款资料, learn ag体育还款以及探索工具和资源.
  • 网上的FAFSA
    Free Application for Federal Student 援助, FAFSA opens the door to the federal 援助 过程. Every step you can take gets you closer to achieving your education goals.

  • FSA ID请求
    The FSA ID serves as your identifier to let you access your personal information in 各种各样的你.S. 教育系统部.
    It is like the Personal Identification Number that you get from your bank that enables 您可以访问您的帐户. 因为你的FSA ID是你的电子签名, 你不应该把它给任何人. 如果你是一个受抚养的学生,你的父母会 还需要一个FSA的ID,作为他们的签名.

  • CA梦行为申请
    The CA梦想法案 application allows students interested in attending eligible California Colleges, Universities and 护理er Education Programs to apply for state financial 援助.

  • CA梦想行为父母密码
    The CA梦想行为父母密码 serves as the parent’s identifier to sign the child’s CA DREAM Act适用于受抚养学生. 此pin不会更改,如果父 在大学里有多个加州梦想法案申请人吗.
  • 联邦学生援助(FSA)计划
    美国.S. 教育部's Federal Student 援助 (FSA) programs are the largest source of student 援助 in America, providing nearly 70% of all student financial 援助.
    Help is available to make education beyond high school financially possible for you 或者你的孩子.

  • 美国国税局(IRS)

  • 国税局希望 & 终身学习学分
    Frequently Asked 问题 regarding the IRS 终身学习学分.

  • 国税局学生贷款利息扣除

  • 国税局税务信息为学生
    A listing of various questions students may have regarding their taxes, including 什么学校或助学金必须包括在联邦税的收入中.

  • 义务兵役

  • 社会保障局

  • 记录服务
    Assist students who need to obtain transcripts from institutions that have been closed.

特殊的程序 & 服务

  • 追求 & Excel三
    Provides academic support for low-income first generation and disabled students. 提供 学术支持,强调ESL支持课程.

  • CalWORKs
    Supports welfare recipients with financial resources, counseling, career planning, 托儿服务和就业机会.

  • 残疾学生计划 & 服务 (dsp)
    Serving the needs of students with physical, psychological and learning disabilities.

  • bgi的 & 护理
    Supports students educationally and socioeconomically, for single parents as well.

  • 教育人才搜寻三重奏
    提供 equal access to quality education for students of Hayward and San Lorenzo 统一学区.

  • 监护人学者计划(GSP)
    GSP is the bridge that connects foster youth to the supports they need to succeed.

  • 海沃德承诺社区
    Supporting children growing up in the Jackson Triangle area of Hayward.

  • 我妹妹的守护者(MSK)
    我妹妹的守护者(MSK) is a leadership development/support group for young African-American 皇后区.

  • 速度
    学位 & 为有工作的成年人提供的转学计划.

  • 朋地
    Supports all students with counseling, instruction and mentoring to prepare for transfer 通过探索墨西哥裔美国人和拉丁裔美国人的经历.

  • 奋斗的黑人兄弟联盟
    Dedicated to increasing the retention, persistence and transfer rate among Chabot’s 非裔美国男性.

  • Umoja社区
    Supporting students to achieve education success and learning African-American literature, 历史和问题.


  • 招生及档案办公室

  • 评估中心
    Students are encouraged to visit the 评估中心 for the self-guided placement 数学和英语的过程.

  • 咨询部门
    Counselors are here to help you in achieving your academic, career and personal goals.

  • 梦想中心
    The 梦想中心 is a safe and confidential space for undocumented students and their allies providing specilized counseling, financial 援助 information, legal services 还有研讨会、奖学金信息和笔记本电脑借阅图书馆.

  • 埃尔森特罗 
    埃尔森特罗 is a bilingual (English/Spanish) resource center dedicated to serving the 拉丁裔和/或低收入学生及其家庭的需求.

  • 退伍军人资源中心
    The Veteran's 服务 Office facilitates veteran benefits/information to current 以及夏伯特学院的退伍军人学生.

  • 学生生活办公室
    The Office of Student Life plays an essential role in campus through offering a multitude 为学生举办的校园活动. 该系与校园合作 departments, programs, and organizations to develop, plan, and implement college activities 为多样化的学生群体.

  • 奖学金
  • CalFresh 
    This is a food financial 援助 program that helps students buy food and eat healthier. It won’t affect their existing financial 援助 and they don’t need their parent's tax 返回要应用的信息. 访问他们的网站查看收入资格.

  • 加州大学学费
    Learn more about the "Cash for College" financial 援助 workshops that are taking place 整个州.

  • 国家美国志愿队
    A network of national service programs that engage more than 50,000 Americans each year in intensive service to meet critical needs in education, public safety, health, 还有环境.

  • 财政援助管理人员协会
    Supports financial 援助 professionals at colleges, universities, and career schools.
    NASFAA is the only national association with a primary focus on student 援助 legislation, regulatory analysis, and professional development for financial 援助 administrators.
  • 财务援助顾问
    Contact your 财务援助顾问 for personalized financial 援助 assistance.
  • 学院教学大纲的建议语言:

    符合条件的学生可以获得经济援助. 申请期仍然开放 到本学年的6月30日. 我们鼓励所有学生申请. The sooner you apply the sooner the college can determine your eligibility, and the 越快你就能收到资金来支付你的大学费用. 请务必在5月2日之前申请nd 优先截止日期 下一个 一年的经济援助资格 最大 可获得的联邦和州财政援助金额. 联系财务援助办公室获取更多信息或帮助.
    详情请浏览资助网页: http://i2yr.philboardport.com/finAid/index.php 


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